How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Billy, all those mofos ever do is lie. You think if they halfway told the truth we'd even be in a f***ing war? You know what I think, I think we don't deserve to have you guys die for us. No country that lets its leaders lie like that deserves a single soldier to die for it." (Sanity.73)
Can you blame Billy's family, in particular Kathryn, for feeling like someone must be out to get them? The novel suggests that people really are out to get them, in the sense that no one with money or power actually cares about people like Billy's family. If they want something and have to go to war to get it, they'll say anything to send people like Billy off to fight and die for it. They'll even lie.
Quote #8
"How can he sleep in this weather?" she cries.
"Technically he's not asleep, ma'am," Crack informs her. "He's passed out."
The lady laughs. She's a cool boojee lady. Her husband and friends are chuckling too.
"But it's just miserable out here," she protests. "Shouldn't he at least have a blanket or something? Doesn't the Army give you coats?"
"Oh, ma'am, don't worry about him," Crack assures her. "We're infantry, that's kind of like being a dog or a mule, we're too dumb to mind the weather. He's fine, believe me, he don't feel a thing."
"But he could freeze!"
"No ma'am," Mango chimes in. "We punch him every once in a while to keep his blood moving. See, like this." He delivers a sharp whack to Lodis's bicep. Lodis snarls and throws out his arms, but his eyes never open.
"See?" Mango beams. "He's fine. He's happy. He's like a cockroach, you can't kill him!"
The Army has done some serious indoctrinating if Crack is willing to good-naturedly compare himself to a dog, a mule, and a cockroach. Have you ever seen Full Metal Jacket? That stuff can be scary.
Quote #9
"Sergeant, are you okay?"
Dime snaps out of it. "I was just thinking, rich people are crazy." He turns to Billy and adds, with feeling: "Don't ever forget that."
"Roger, Sergeant." (Vampires.79-81)
Dime talks about rich people as if they're a different species. Perhaps he's also considering the possibility that maybe they're rich because they're crazy? Like, the kind of person you have to be in order to get mega-rich is…a messed-up person? #normispsycho