Black Beauty Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Fearful as it was, no one stopped, no one turned back. Every moment the ranks were thinned, but as our comrades fell, we closed in to keep them together; and instead of being shaken or staggered in our pace, our gallop became faster as we neared the cannon, all clouded in white smoke, while the red fire flashed through it. (34.12)

Beauty's friend Captain is an incredibly brave horse who tells the story of his war experiences to Beauty. His descriptions of the battlefield are nerve-wracking and it's easy to imagine that this would have been a very frightening experience for a horse. Captain does what his master asks, though, charging into battle despite incredibly scary circumstances. It's definitely a courageous act.

Quote #5

I had such perfect trust in him that while he was guiding me, I was ready to charge up to the very cannon's mouth. (34.6)

Captain explains the reason he was able to charge into battle: He trusted his master completely. Their bond gave Captain all the bravery he needed to make it through the fight. Aw.

Quote #6

[…] I did my best, as I always had done, in spite of cruelty and injustice. (47.15)

Even when Beauty's completely beaten down by a cruel master, he still does his very best—and this is perhaps one of his bravest moments. He doesn't give up at a time when it would be much easier to only do a half-hearted job, and he maintains his strong values throughout.