The Black Cat Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

One morning, in cool blood, I slipped a noose about its neck and hung it to the limb of a tree […]. (9)

When he wants to, this guy can be clear. The murder of Pluto is described in precise details. Is the murder weapon important here? Why or why not? Also, notice the phrase "cool blood." The violence up to now was done in fits of drunkenness, and irritation. Here the narrator was "cool." It's morning and this is just how he decides to start his day, or so he would have us believe. He doesn't stay cool for long. When he hangs the cat on the tree he can't stop crying his eyes out.

Quote #5

Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp, and buried the axe in her brain. (23)

We don't need him to tell us about the pool of blood and the puddle of gore. We can imagine the whole scene. We also have some cause and effect going on. The man gets mad because his wife interferes with his plans to kill the cat.

Quote #6

[…] I was answered by a voice from within the tomb! -- by a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream […]. (31)

The idea of the cat sobbing like a kid brings makes us feel all the suffering and trauma heaped upon his head. By comparing the cat to a sobbing child, Poe increases our sympathy for this horribly abused animal and draws our attention to animal rights.