Black Mass: Whitey Bulger, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal Chapter 13 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Black Mass

  • By 1985, Morris is firmly in Bulger's back pocket, having accepted money to buy his girlfriend a plane ticket, along with several other pricey gifts in the months that followed.
  • Despite this, Morris has never been more successful professionally.
  • The Angiulo racketeering trial should be starting in a few weeks, and that'll be his crown jewel.
  • Bulger and Flemmi are nervous because they're talked about all over the tapes. They want reassurance that they won't be prosecuted.
  • Plus, they're happy to see Morris again, as Connolly's new boss Jim Ring had proven to be a "tough mark" (2.13.17).
  • Connolly brings along Dennis Condon, without telling him that Bulger and Flemmi are going to be there.
  • Condon is turned off by Connolly's shadiness and leaves early in the evening.
  • It's at this dinner, on the "tenth anniversary of their secret deal," that Morris promises that the FBI won't prosecute the pair unless they're involved in a murder (2.13.51).
  • And with that, their unspoken agreement has become spoken.