Rules and Order Quotes in Black Mass: Whitey Bulger, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Morris had stumbled out of the hotel, leaving behind the top-secret government tape recording he had so proudly played for Bulger and Flemmi. (2.8.55)

Look how far the rule-abiding John Morris has fallen. He gets so drunk partying with Bulger and Flemmi that he leaves a confidential FBI recording in the hotel, which oh by the way he was just playing for these two criminals. Wow. Didn't take too long, huh?

Quote #8

The deal [...] was by now so out of whack that any good [...] was offset by a wave of concessions and corruption. (2.15.46)

By now, Connolly and Morris have broken so many rules that the FBI needs to cover for them just to save its own neck. There would be a massive public outcry if this tomfoolery were made public.

Quote #9

John Morris was now the supervisor of a white-collar squad that mainly pursued public corruption. (2.15.60)

In the end, this is Morris and Connolly's legacy: "public corruption." No matter their intention at the onset, their enabling of Bulger has caused untold pain and suffering, which they in turn profited from.