The Black Prince Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

First Person (Central Narrator)

The Black Prince is told primarily through the voice of Bradley Pearson, whose own memoir/novel "The Black Prince" forms the heart of the text. The multiple forewords and postscripts that also appear in the novel are similarly written in the first-person narrative voice, and they allow some of the other characters who appear in Bradley's story to speak up for themselves and have their say.

The Black Prince's postscripts also do one other crucial thing: they make it perfectly clear, for those who hadn't guessed it already, that Bradley Pearson is not a reliable narrator. Is he telling the truth about Arnold Baffin's murder? Is he telling the truth about anything? It's impossible to know for certain, so one thing's for sure—you should definitely be taking everything he says with at least one big grain of salt.