The Black Prince Resources


Bio Time

Read up about the author of The Black Prince—the real author, that is—to get a quick and accessible overview of her life.

You Want Another Bio? Fine

If you'd like a slightly longer reading on Iris Murdoch's life and literary works, check this one out.

William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Want quick access to the text of Hamlet so that you can cross-reference characters and scenes with The Black Prince? The Folger Shakespeare Library's got you covered.


Iris (2001)

Iris is a biopic about Iris Murdoch herself, not an adaptation of The Black Prince, but it's a good way to take a break from your literary studies without straying too far from the novel.


The Black Prince Reviewed in the New York Times

Not only does Lawrence Graver's review of The Black Prince give a useful summary of the novel itself, but it also discusses it in the context of Iris Murdoch's larger body of work.

The Black Prince Gets a Retrospective Review in the Toronto Review of Books

Wanna know what one reviewer thinks about the relationship between puking and falling in love? You know you do.

Iris Murdoch Interviewed in the Paris Review

Straight from the horse's mouth, check out this interview to learn more about Iris Murdoch's family, work experience, approach to writing, and more.

"The Moral Brilliance of Iris Murdoch"

Iris Murdoch wrote "a love letter to Shakespeare" when she wrote The Black Prince, and now you can read a critical love letter about Murdoch herself.

"Who Really Knew Iris?"

Check out this review of a biography of Iris Murdoch to learn some very interesting things about her life and loves.


Iris Murdoch on Literature and Philosophy

The Black Prince's Bradley Pearson is a philosophical writer, and so was Iris Murdoch. Listen to Murdoch discuss the correspondences and differences between literature and philosophy by checking out this clip from an, ahem, intellectually-charged television interview.

Iris Murdoch in Conversation with Frank Kermode

Tune in for an in-depth discussion of Iris Murdoch's novels and writing style, and in particular for a discussion of the role that love plays in her books. Insight alert.


Iris Murdoch

The author herself, wearing a blazer like nobody's business.

The Chatto and Windus Edition of The Black Prince

So gorgeous. So purple.

The Penguin Classics Edition of The Black Prince

It looks like there's some society snobbery going on here.