Blazing Saddles Resources


Blazing Saddles at

This is the place to go for all the vitals on Blazing Saddles and its hilarious crew.

Blazing Saddles at

Check out this link to find out why scores of fans and critics consistently give this movie a 90% rating or higher.

Blazing Saddles at

This site includes a full review of the movie and some solid in-depth analysis of why it's been such an enduring classic. And if you just plain don't like the movie, that's cool too.

Articles and Interviews

Blazing Saddles at 40: A Conversation with Mel Brooks

After forty years of incredible popularity, the folks at sit down with Mel Brooks to ask him lots of questions about how the movie got made and why Brooks thinks it has managed to stay so popular for so long.

Mel Brooks Discusses Blazing Saddles, Brooksfilms, and the Best Screening Ever

In a sit-down with, Mel Brooks talks about his famous comedy and why one of his favorite experiences ever in showbiz happened one night during a screening of Blazing Saddles with a half-white, half-black audience.

Blazing Saddles: Mel Brooks' Western Laugh Riot

This article gives some pretty great insight into the kind of American culture that first experienced Blazing Saddles and why the movie remains so edgy to this very day.


Awesome Full-Length Interview with Mel Brooks

In this interview, director Mel Brooks sits down with talk show host Conan O'Brien to talk comedy and to examine the role that Brooks' childhood and young life had on his later career. It's filled with tons of great laughs and insight, so be sure to have a look.

The French Mistake

We're going to go ahead and put up this scene again because we can't get enough of it.

Mel Dishes Out the Secrets of Blazing Saddles

That's right. Mel Brooks hits up Conan to talk comedy and to give out some long-guarded secrets about what went on behind the scenes on the set of Blazing Saddles.


Blazing Saddles Theme Song

You've had a chance to feast on Mel Brook's directing genius, so now let's take a look at his musical gifts.

Soundtrack Suite to Blazing Saddles

It'd be unfair to say that Mel Brooks is responsible for all the music in Blazing Saddles, because the truth is that composer John Morris played a big role too. So let's throw down some respect.

Count Basie and his Orchestra

Because what's a good ol' Western film without a cameo from the jazz legend Count Basie?


Bart Holds Himself Hostage

Yup, you've got to be pretty dumb to fall for this one. But luckily, the folks at Rock Ridge aren't the sharpest tacks in the box.

Have Another Drink, Jim

Bart has a whole lot of admirable qualities. But when it comes to drinking, we've got to say that he's a bit of an enabler.

Mongo Rides Into Town

And of course he's riding an ox, since a horse would be too small for him.