Blood Red Road Chapter 1 Quotes
Blood Red Road Chapter 1 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 7
But then he said it's called chaal an it's poison to the mind an soul, an if anybody ever offers us any we're to say no. (1.88)
Here's our first introduction to chaal, the designer drug of choice here in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Blood Red Road. It's nasty stuff, as you might imagine. It also happens to be the thing that this entire society is built around. Yeah, as you might have guessed, that's bad news.
Quote 8
Lugh thinks fer a moment. Then he says, Love makes you weak. Carin fer somebody that much means you cain't think straight. (1.101)
That's a pretty messed up thing to say, especially to your twin sister. But it also shows us how harsh the world these characters are inhabiting is, and how significant of an effect that has had on Saba and Lugh. Love is a luxury they can't afford.
Quote 9
Lugh's gone.
My golden heart is gone. (1.312-314)
Saba puts on a tough front, but it's achingly obvious that she loves Lugh with an intense passion. For real—most people would save language like this for a romantic partner.