The Bluest Eye Pecola Breedlove Quotes

And there wasn't nastiness, and there wasn't any filth, and there wasn't any odor, and there wasn't any groaning – just the light white laughter of little girls and me. And there wasn't any look – any long funny look – any long funny Velma look afterward. No look that makes you feel dirty afterward. That makes you want to die. With little girls it is all clean and good and friendly. (3.9.41)

Dirtiness here seems to be associated with a lack of power. Long looks make us feel accountable and recognized, and Soaphead cannot tolerate them. The fact that he longs to be looked at differently reminds us of Pecola, presenting another strange similarity between the two characters.

She eats the candy, its sweetness is good. To eat the candy is somehow to eat the eyes, eat Mary Jane. Love Mary Jane. Be Mary Jane. (1.3.33)

The simple language here matches the simplicity of Pecola's desire to be innocent, beautiful, and good.