How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
The politicians saw the easy money being made by the racketeers and demanded a piece of the action. (4.28)
In Atlantic City, there's a fine line between politicians and criminals. Although these early leaders don't realize it, they're writing a script that future Atlantic City politicians will follow along their rise to power.
Quote #2
The Commodore wasn't content just having control of Atlantic City politics. If he were to catch the attention of the state Republican organization, he would need to dominate things totally. (4.42)
If nothing else, you have to give credit to Kuehnle for having a vision. We can debate whether or not this political system is ethical or not, but the truth is that it works. That's more than you can say about a lot of local governments. Furthermore, Kuehnle knows that simply controlling the city isn't going to be enough—he needs to move up to the big leagues.
Quote #3
The ability to crank out lopsided votes in a Republican primary made Kuehnle a power broker on the state level. Politicians respect votes no matter how they're gotten. (4.45)
Ah, there's nothing like a heaping serving of voter fraud to really make you feel alive. Now Atlantic City's leaders aren't merely powerful within the city—they're powerful within the whole state. Kuehnle can literally change the course of an election by making a few telephone calls. Boo ya.