The Book of Margery Kempe Good versus Evil Quotes

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Quote #10

They were invented by the devil, father of lies, favoured, maintained and born from his members, false envious people, who were indignant at her virtuous living and had no power to hinder her except through their false tongues. (II.9.288)

Kempe is the target of a lot of ugly speech, and this particular incident seems to have stuck in her craw. She becomes the object of a slanderous "proverb" that is circulated through London and is eventually repeated as a saying without her name attached to it. In the latter case, Kempe is particularly upset, because she feels that the devil is working in people who are not even aware that what they are saying is evil. She's able to correct a handful of people about this, but she worries that this kind of slander will be the undoing of many.