The Book of Margery Kempe Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

"So great is my love towards you, that I may not withdraw it from you, for, daughter, no heart may think, nor tongue tell, the great love that I have to you, and for that I take witness of my blessed mother, of my holy angels, and of all the saints in heaven, for they all worship me, for your love, in heaven." (I.84.247)

Jesus tells Kempe not only that she is the object of his great affection, but also that she's the reason all the saints look with eyes of love on him in heaven. That seems like a whole lot for one woman to handle, but consider this: Kempe is meant to be an example of what Christ wants for all human souls. So whenever we read a section of excessive lovey-doveyness concerning God and Kempe, we're pretty much meant to read it as something that applies to all of humanity.