Carlos Timeline & Summary


Carlos Timeline & Summary

  • Born in Venezuela, trained by the Soviets and Che Guevara, Carlos becomes a terrifying assassin.
  • Carlos and his cousin Angélique become lovers; she remains his longtime associate.
  • In 1963, Carlos may have been involved with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
  • In 1975, Carlos kills two French agents and an informer (this is the crime for which the real Carlos was sentenced to life in prison).
  • Sometime in the 1970s,Carlos assassinates General Villiers's son.
  • Angélique, Carlos's lover, marries General Villiers and becomes the covert hub of Carlos's communications network.
  • Carlos (probably) establishes an identity as René Bergeron, a fashion designer, and sets up the fashion house Les Classiques as a communication center.
  • In the late 1970s, the assassin known as Cain starts to take credit for kills and generally move in on Carlos's turf.
  • Cain/Bourne disappears and then resurfaces. As a result, large parts of Carlos's network, including Les Classiques, are crippled, and Angélique is killed.
  • Carlos goes to New York to meet and kill "Cain." Carlos and Bourne clash, Bourne sees Carlos's face, and both escape.