Finding Lost Languages
- Paul and Tony are hanging out at Paul's house, doing each other's homework. They go to different schools, so it's more fun this way.
- Paul's telling Tony about the drama of the day, but Tony gets a little edgy, and Paul realizes once again that Tony wishes he had a boyfriend of his own.
- They start speaking their own made-up language instead, one they've spoken for years. (Their record: six hours straight.)
- Paul tells us that he and Tony met at The Strand, a bookstore in the a.k.a. New York. (A glimpse of where the story takes place, maybe?)
- They separated in the bookstore, but coincidentally met again on the train home.
- Paul said a boy they saw was cute and Tony agreed, which was how they told each other they were gay.
- But back to the present day: Paul can't concentrate on Tony's homework, because he's thinking about… what else? Noah.
- Jay, Paul's brother, offers Tony a ride home, and they leave together.
- Paul goes upstairs to finish his homework in his room.
- For the first time, he and Joni don't call each other that night.
- Paul realizes Joni knows he knows about Chuck.