Strength and Skill Quotes in Breaking Dawn

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Jacob:] "If the Volturi won't stop to listen… we will stop them." [Tanya:] "Very brave, child, but that would be impossible for more experienced fighters than you are." (31.1-3)

Tanya dismisses Jacob as a "child" who can't be taken seriously. Her attitude shows an arrogant superiority that many vampires feel toward werewolves. What values might her attitude be rooted in?

Quote #8

[Bella:] But Kate insisted that I needed better motivation by which she meant my hatred of watching Edward's pain. I was beginning to doubt her assertion… that she wasn't sadistic about the use of her gift. (32.71)

Bella realizes that Kate enjoys the power of inflicting pain on others. What does that say about Kate's character?

Quote #9

[Edward to Bella:] "I doubt there's a shield on the planet who could keep her at bay… From what I've seen, no one can doubt the truth of [Renesmee's] thoughts... And I think no one can keep her from showing them, if she gets close enough." (34.154)

Edward believes that Renesmee's ability to project her thoughts into other people's minds will overcome their prejudices against her and will force them to see the truth.