Breaking Stalin's Nose Justice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), (Chapter.Figure)

Quote #10

"Nina Petrovna did not break off the nose," I say.

"That woman is no longer my responsibility," [Sergei Ivanych] says, and keeps walking.

"Finkelstein didn't break it, either."

"Finkelstein confessed in front of everybody."

"He did it to get into Lubyanka to look for his parents."

"His parents were executed," he says, and shrugs. "Somebody should have told him." (27.7)

Again, the system is not concerned with getting to The Truth; they only want a scapegoat or someone that can be held up as an example of someone who is anti-Communist. It reinforces the fear that keeps the citizens in line. Plus, you get an added bonus of heartless cruelty from the principal, who could care less that a child's parents have been executed (the shrugging is a dead give away).