Breath, Eyes, Memory Resources


Danticat in The New Yorker

Here you'll find a clearinghouse of Danticat's contributions to The New Yorker—including commentaries and works of fiction.

Social Media

Danticat's publicists maintain a Facebook page for the author, rather than a traditional website.

Movie or TV Productions

The Agronomist

Directed by Jonathan Demme and with Danticat as Executive Producer, this film tells the story of Jean Dominique, Haitian activist and radio journalist.

Poto Mitan

Danticat provides narration for this documentary about Haitian women.

Movie or TV Adaptations

Girl Rising

A documentary film about girls living in developing countries around the world, and how education changes their lives. Danticat contributes by writing the story of a Haitian girl called Wadley.

Articles and Interviews

Life Story

Here you will find a biographical article about Edwidge Danticat.

Bad Karma

A Haitian-American reporter reflects on her interview with exiled despot, Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier.

Vodou Country

If you are confused by the mixed religious imagery in this book, check out this article. It offers a quick summary of the Vodou religion and how it "syncretizes" with Catholicism.


Edwidge, Meet TED...

Danticat speaks of Haiti's contribution to the global community.

Award-Winning Danticat

Our author speaks on the occasion of being named MacArthur Fellow in 2009.

Chilling with Edwidge

Here is an intimate and casual Skype interview with Edwidge Danticat, in which she discusses the differences between writing fiction and non-fiction.


Whenever I Say Your Name...

It's okay if you don't know how to pronounce "Edwidge Danticat": there's an audiofile to help you with that. Take a listen to Danticat not only pronouncing her name for you, but also giving a little background.

Creativity in Exile

Talk of the Nation hosts three writers (including Danticat) who talk about their experiences as writers exiled from their home country. Transcript also available on this page.

Honoring the Dead

You might remember that Martine isn't interested in having an elaborate Haitian funeral. But for many, those traditional death rituals are essential to keep the peace with generations of dead. This NPR story talks about what happens in Haiti when a mass calamity keeps families from properly observing death traditions.


Island on Fire

Danticat teamed up with director Jonathan Demme to create a catalogue of his many pieces of Haitian art. Danticat worked as editor on the project.