Atie Caco (Tante Atie) Timeline and Summary


Atie Caco (Tante Atie) Timeline and Summary

  • Atie welcomes twelve-year-old Sophie home from school. She refuses to accept a Mother's Day card from the little girl because it really belongs to her sister, Martine.
  • At a potluck dinner later that night, the neighbors grill Atie about a large package that came from Martine in New York. They've heard that Sophie will join her there.
  • Atie is upset, especially since she had told Monsieur Augustin, a former lover, in confidence about Martine's plan to send for Sophie.
  • She tells Sophie that she belongs with her mother in New York, even though she clearly thinks of Sophie as her own.
  • Atie takes Sophie to see her mother, Ifé, before she puts the child on the plane to New York.
  • The week before Sophie leaves, Atie stays at work a lot. She buys Sophie a new dress to wear to New York.
  • When she brings Sophie to Port-au-Prince, they witness some violence outside the airport. She tells Sophie that this is another good reason for her to leave Haiti.
  • Atie appears in the market in Dame Marie to collect Sophie and Brigitte, who have returned to visit.
  • She's learned to read with the help of her friend, Louise, but Atie has also become less happy and fulfilled. She feels that her life has passed her by.
  • Atie goes out at night for her reading lessons. When she returns late at night, she's clearly tipsy.
  • We learn that Atie has a lump growing in her calf. She buys leeches from the market to take down the swelling.
  • She travels with Louise to the city to have their names recorded in the governmental registry, so that they won't be forgotten.
  • Atie opens up to Sophie about the futility of her life in Dame Marie. She reflects on the role of women in their society.
  • Atie and her mother fight about Atie's journeys in the night. Ifé thinks they are not safe, since the Macoutes are about. Atie would rather die than hang around.
  • She explains to Sophie the meaning of their last name, "Caco." When Martine appears at the house, Atie doesn't seem too thrilled.
  • Atie insists that the women make sure that the family land is divided legally among them all. They see the notary to fix it up.
  • Atie's attitude goes downhill while Martine is in town. Ifé buys Louise's pig, giving her enough money to leave Haiti. Atie is desolate.
  • When Martine's body arrives in Haiti for burial, Atie is so upset that she falls into convulsions. She barely recovers by the end of the story.