Anthony Blanche Timeline and Summary


Anthony Blanche Timeline and Summary

  • Charles meets Anthony when he’s introduced to Sebastian’s rather eccentric group of friends. Anthony recites passages from The Wasteland at the top of his lungs on Sebastian’s balcony. He also takes a great liking to Charles.
  • Jasper advises Charles against spending time with Anthony.
  • Charles calls Anthony "a nomad of no nationality." He had a peculiar upbringing in a variety of locations all over the world, where he met and became close with the most famous of writers, philosophers, and thinkers. He’s done and seen everything.
  • Anthony takes Charles out to dinner. He tells a story about Boy Mulcaster and his friends harassing him and his own outlandish replies to their taunting. He talks about how charming Sebastian is and always was.
  • Anthony knows that Sebastian is a budding artist and encourages him in this endeavor.
  • Then he dishes about Sebastian’s family one by one. Personally, for all the Flyte charm he possesses, Anthony finds Sebastian to be insipid, like the "Bubbles" painting.
  • Anthony then claims to have had an affair with a Duchess names Stefanie. He says that Sebastian is like her – enticing until he becomes a habit. He warns Charles not to be "strangled" by Sebastian’s charm. He predicts that Sebastian will deny everything he’s said and talk about his bear to change to subject; both these come to pass.
  • When Charles and Sebastian return to Oxford for their second year, they find that Anthony Blanche is no longer there. It seems he has "formed an attachment" to a policeman in Munich.
  • While traveling through Europe with Mr. Samgrass, Sebastian bumps into Anthony Blanche in Beirut.
  • Years later (in 1926), Charles bumps into Anthony Blanche and Boy Mulcaster in London. Anthony fills him in on Sebastian.
  • Years later, Anthony shows up at Charles’s art exhibition for his South American paintings. He was excited at the prospect of seeing a few barbaric paintings, but he’s now convinced that the images are nothing more than "simple, creamy English charm, playing tigers." He’s also heard about Charles’s affair with Julia, as has the rest of the world, apparently.