Brideshead Revisited Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You see, my dear Charles, you are that very rare thing, An Artist. […] I have seen those little drawings you keep hidden away in your room. They are exquisite. And you, dear Charles, if you will understand me, are not exquisite; but not at all. Artists are not exquisite. I am; Sebastian, in a kind of way, is exquisite; but the Artist is an eternal type, solid, purposeful, observant – and, beneath it all, p-p-passionate, eh, Charles?" (1.2.39)

As Anthony points out, Charles is not beautiful himself. But his role as an artist is to seek out and capture beauty. This simple passage goes a long way in explaining Charles’s friendship with Sebastian, his fascination with the Brideshead estate, his eventual affair with Julia, and his career as an architectural painter.

Quote #8

"Oh, Charles, don't be such a tourist. What does it matter when it was built, if it's pretty?"


It was an aesthetic education to live within those walls. (1.4.10,13)

To live within those walls, yes, but also to live with Sebastian, the ultimate teacher.

Quote #9

"Of course, you are right really," he said. "You take art as a means not as an end. That is strict theology, but it's unusual to find an agnostic believing it." (1.4.155)

AHA! Here’s our big hint to a very important point in Brideshead Revisited: aesthetics are Charles’s religion. Read "Character Analysis" for more.