Brideshead Revisited Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Dear boy," said Lady Marchmain. "How nice to see you looking so well again. Your day in the open has done you good. The drinks are on the table; do help yourself."

There was nothing unusual in her speech but the fact of her saying it. Six months ago it would not have been said.

"Thanks," said Sebastian. "I will." (1.6.188-90)

Lady Marchmain has given up on controlling Sebastian’s drinking – but why? What pushed her over the edge this time?

Quote #11

Next morning I said to Sebastian: "Tell me honestly, do you want me to stay on here?"

"No, Charles, I don't believe I do."

"I'm no help?"

"No help." (1.6.202-5)

Charles is no help…with what? Sebastian’s family? His alcoholism? Religion? Depression? What is he referring to here?