Brideshead Revisited Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He kissed Lord Marchmain on the cheek and I, who had not kissed my father since I left the nursery, stood shyly behind him. (1.4.193)

Mr. Ryder and Lord Marchmain are constantly contrasted with each other in the novel, as are their respective relationships with their sons.

Quote #8

Sebastian began to weep. "Why do you take their side against me? I knew you would if I let you meet them. Why do you spy on me?"

He said more than I can bear to remember, even at twenty years' distance. At last I got him to sleep and very sadly went to bed myself. (1.5.276-7)

Charles is again torn between his desire to help the Flytes deal with Sebastian’s alcoholism and his desire to see his friend happy.

Quote #9

She had a copy lying ready on her bureau. I thought at the time, "She planned this parting before ever I came in. Had she rehearsed all the interview? If things had gone differently would she have put the book back in the drawer?" (1.5.321)

Sebastian’s distrust of his mother proves warranted here. It is not until Charles realizes her intentions that he agrees to side with Sebastian, "contra mundum."