Brideshead Revisited Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Well," I said, "if you can believe all that and you don't want to be good, where's the difficulty about your religion?"

"If you can't see, you can't." (1.4.69-70)

At what point in the novel does Charles begin to see this?

Quote #5

"Cordelia has promised to pray for me," I said.

"She made a novena for her pig," said Sebastian.

"You know all this is very puzzling to me," I said.

"I think we're causing scandal," said Brideshead.

That night I began to realize how little I really knew of Sebastian, and to understand why he had always sought to keep me apart from the rest of his life. He was like a friend made on board ship, on the high seas; now we had come to his home port. (1.4.156-160)

Charles earlier commented that, when discussing his family, Sebastian would retreat into another world where Charles could not follow. It seems now that religion is largely responsible for this rift between the two young men.

Quote #6

"When people hate with all that energy, it is something in themselves they are hating. Alex is hating all the illusions of boyhood – innocence, God, hope. Poor Lady Marchmain has to bear all that." (1.4.236)

Here Cara is trying to explain why everyone hates Lady Marchmain. Cordelia later continues this discussion when she says that people hate Lady Marchmain as an indirect way of hating God.