- Ennis is in the mountains with Jack again, drinking whiskey, smoking, and doing anything but fishing.
- Jack asks why Ennis has never remarried.
- Jack reveals that he's been having an affair on the side.
- He explains that he's having an affair because he feels empty. He tells Ennis, "Sometimes I miss you so much, I can hardly stand it."
- Try not to cry into your popcorn.
- They cuddle in the tent that night, then pack up to leave in the morning.
- Ennis says he won't be able to see Jack again until November.
- Jack is angry that Ennis waited until the last minute to tell him.
- Ennis says he has to work, to pay child support. He can't keep taking fishing trips if he has to work.
- Jack yells at Ennis, that they could have had a good life together. Maybe even had time to do some actual fishing.
- But Ennis didn't want a relationship. So all they have is this stupid mountain. And mountains don't make good lovers. They're a little too cold.
- "I wish I knew how to quit you," Jack says.
- Ennis starts crying, and tell him to quit him. Just let him be.
- Ennis says he's nothin' and nowhere all because of Jack.
- They hug it out and collapse onto the ground.