Brokeback Mountain Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I wish I knew how to quit you." (117)

It's maybe the most famous line in the whole story and it points profoundly to an inability to make a choice. He can't quit even if he might like to. Tough break, Jack.

Quote #8

He called Jack's number in Childress, something he had done only once before when Alma divorced him. (123)

This speaks to the importance of Ennis's reaching out. He doesn't do it often, which means that the times he does are really, really important.

Quote #9

We put a stone up. He use to say he wanted to be cremated, ashes scattered on Brokeback Mountain. I didn't know where that was. So he was cremated, like he wanted, and like I say, half his ashes was interred here, and the rest I sent up to his folks. (128)

Here we have a choice, or a stated choice, being totally ignored. Jack clearly states what he wants for his ashes, and only Ennis seems interested in fulfilling his wishes. That makes him about as powerless as they come.