How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Elias was proud of her sister, of how much care she took with her appearance and how much care she put into whom she mixed with in the town and the golf club. (1.87)
Rose is everything Eilis wants to be when she grows up. She's classy and beautiful. She's a charming social butterfly. And she can hit golf balls harder than Ronda Rousey throws punches. While it's pretty awesome to have a big sis like this, it also sets an awfully high standard to live up to.
Quote #2
Eilis felt like a child when the doctor would come to the house, her mother listening with cowed respect. (1.186)
Although Eilis is almost an adult, her mother's overbearing nature makes her feel more like a kid. Call us crazy, fellow Shmoop-meisters, but it sounds like we have all of the ingredients for a classic coming-of-age story.
Quote #3
As she turned and looked at her sister, Eilis wanted to suggest that they change places, that Rose [...] would be happier going to America. (1.223)
Eilis' trip to America is the first thing that she's ever done by herself, so it's understandable that she's more nervous than a teenage girl at a 1D meet-and-greet.