Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Family Quotes
As their mother's pension was small, they depended on Rose, who worked in the office of Davis's Mills; her wages paid for most of their needs. (1.86)
Coming of Age Quotes
Elias was proud of her sister, of how much care she took with her appearance and how much care she put into whom she mixed with in the town and the golf club. (1.87)
Visions of Brooklyn Quotes
Father Flood was tall; his accent was a mixture of Irish and American. (1.164)
Memory and the Past Quotes
And then it occurred to her that she was already feeling that she would need to remember this room, her sister, this scene, as though from a distance. (1.186)
Respect and Reputation Quotes
As each customer came into the shop [...] Miss Kelly had a different tone. Sometimes she said nothing [...] And then there were customers whom she greeted warmly and by name. (1.80)
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes
She had a sense too [...] that, while the boys and girls from the town who had gone to England did ordinary work for ordinary money, people who went to America could become rich. (1.188)
Love Quotes
Later, during the week [...] she forgot what she was looking forward to and sometimes she actually believed that she was looking forward to thinking about home. (3.349)
The Home Quotes
Miss Kelly was the only one who mentioned the possibility of her coming home on holidays. No one else mentioned it. (1.215)