Cannery Row Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But Mack knew that some kind of organization was necessary particularly among such a group of ravening individualists. [ . . . ] Each man had property rights inviolable in his space. He could legally fight a man who encroached on his square. The rest of the room was property common to all (7.1-7.3)

Mack and the boys are a community within the community of Cannery Row, and, like any community, they need rules and regulations. Mack even sets up laws in his little city—and it seems like people obey him. Do rules help keep a community strong?

Quote #5

It was a bad time for [Dora] but she did it. The Greek cook made a ten-gallon cauldron of strong soup and kept it full and kept it strong. The girls tried to keep up their business but they went in shifts to sit with the families, and they carried pots of soup when they went (16.11)

When things get tough, the tough girls of the Bear Flag Restaurant head out with their soup. This is community, Shmoopers. Prostitutes bringing you chicken soup. Remember that for the next election cycle.

Quote #6

In spite of his friendliness and his friends Doc was a lonely and set-apart man. Mack probably noticed it more than anybody. In a group, Doc seemed always alone (17.1)

Is Doc a part of the Cannery Row community at all? Well, on the one hand, he's friends with everyone. On the other hand, he really seems to stand apart from everyone and he never asks anyone for favors. You can't be a community of one.