Canto I Resources


Pound's Modern American Poets Page

Great poems and commentary—comin' at you from the University of Illinois

Ezra Pound at

For a smooth, trivia-packed account of Pound's life and his place in modern poetry, check out this site.

Great Timetable

For a clear timetable of Pound's life and some other cool links, follow us here.


Italian Interview with Ezra Pound

Finding film of Ezra ain't easy, so enjoy his grandfatherly kookiness. Just make sure to click cc to get captions.

"Canto I": Nautical Disaster

Here's a sea-themed video, set against Pound's own reading.


More Pound on Tape

Here's our man reading another famous poem of his, "Hugh Selwyn Mauberley."


Coffee Canto?

Here's a pic of old man Pound grabbin' a cup of joe.

Younger Pound

Just check out the look on this guy's face, so full of ego and talent.

What a Difference Time Can Make

These pics were taken in 1958 at the house of American poet William Carlos Williams. It goes to show you what time can do to a guy.

Articles and Interviews

Pound Interviewed by The Paris Review

Here you'll find some great comments from the horse's mouth, especially about his time working as a secretary for W.B. Yeats.

Pound's Daughter Doesn't Want NeoFascists Using Her Father's Name

This article appeared in the London newspaper The Guardian just last year.


The Celestial Tradition: A Study of Ezra's Pound's The Cantos

Here's one critic's attempt to make sense of Ezra Pound's Cantos as a whole. Whew!

Ezra Pound's Cantos: A Casebook

Here, we've got a book with articles written by different experts on Pound's Cantos. Like they say, many heads are better than one.

Ezra Pound and the Mysteries of Love: A Plan for The Cantos

Now we're looking at a whole new approach to The Cantos. This author seems to think that we should read them in general as an expression of love. You'll just have to read the book to figure out how the author can argue this.

Movies & TV

In Search of Ezra Pound

He was a hard guy to find. This TV series was a two-parter.

American Odyssey

Judging from the title, we're guessing that the filmmakers of this documentary read "Canto I."