Canto II Greed Quotes

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Quote #4

Aye, I Acoetes, stood there,
and the god stood by me, (62-63)

Acoetes reminisces about the feeling of standing at the edge of his ship and staring out over the sea. He also seems to feel comforted by the thought that a god is standing beside him. The phrase "stood by me," though, also seems to suggest that Dionysius realizes that Acoetes is on his side. So Acoetes hopes he's done enough to avoid punishment by Dionysius.

Quote #5

"Aye, that way is Naxos."
And I said: "It's a straight ship." (46)

Acoetes isn't totally innocent in the whole kidnapping thing. After all, he's the one who convinces the young boy from Scios to come onto the ship, claiming that it's an honest and "straight" ship. Little does he know that he's actually helping his money-hungry crewmates to kidnap a little kid and sell him into slavery. It makes you wonder if Acoetes would have had a problem with the whole thing if the little kid had just been some random kid and not a god.