Canto VII Resources


Pound's Modern American Poets Page

Great poems and commentary comin' at you from the University of Illinois

Ezra Pound at

For a smooth, trivia-packed account of Pound's life and his place in modern poetry, check out this site.

Great Timetable

For a clear timetable of Pound's life and some other cool links, follow us here.


Great Ezra Pound Documentary

That's right, folks. After reading such a tough poem, just lean back and enjoy a great doc about Pound.


Tons of Lost Pound Recordings

Check out this site for an amazing database of Pound recordings.


Wacky Old Man

Whatever the title leaves out, the pic will fill in.

The Humanity

This mugshot gives us a good look into Pound's suffering mind.

The Razor's Edge

Loungin' and scroungin'.

Articles and Interviews

"The Sound of Pound: A Listener's Guide"

Critic Richard Sieburth takes us through some of the things we should be looking for whenever we listen to something written by ol' Pound Cake himself.

Pound Interviewed by The Paris Review

Here you'll find some great comments from the horse's mouth, especially about his time working as a secretary for W.B. Yeats.


The Celestial Tradition: A Study of Ezra's Pound's The Cantos

Here's one critic's attempt to make sense of Ezra Pound's Cantos as a whole. Pretty tough stuff, but worth a shot.

Ezra Pound's Cantos: A Casebook

Here, we've got a book with articles written by different experts on Pound's Cantos. Like they say, many heads are better than one.