Casablanca Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Casablanca.

Quote #4

RENAULT: I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!

Oh, and we believe him…until the croupier comes out of the gambling room to hand Renault some of his winnings. It's a funny moment to be sure, but goes even further to show how ridiculously deceitful Renault actually is. He doesn't seem to feel guilty at all about condemning an act he was just partaking in himself.

Quote #5

RICK: And by the way, call off your watchdogs when you let him go. I don't want them around this afternoon. I'm taking no chances, Louis, not even with you.

At the time that this line is delivered, we have no idea Rick is being deceitful. We only discover once he pulls that gun on Renault that it was his intention all along to help Victor out; he'd only kept himself in Renault's good graces so that he'd think he was doing both of them a favor by removing Laszlo's surveillance. Two can play at this game, Cap'n.