Catch-22 Chapter 13 Summary

  • Major -------- de Coverley is fooled by the movement of the bomb line. He believes Bologna is safely captured and packs his bags to go there and rent hotels for his men's rest leaves.
  • We learn he's very good at his job, which consists of 1) playing horseshoes, 2) kidnapping Italian workers, and 3) renting luxurious hotels for rest leaves.
  • He is as much a mystery to his friends as he is to his enemies. His ------- for a first name is Heller's oh-so-subtle way of saying, hey, this guy's a mystery. So mysterious that nobody knows his first name.
  • Rome is one of the sites where Major -------- de Coverley rented a luxurious hotel as rest leave. This was the site where Yossarian met Luciana before the Avignon mission. Don't worry, we're getting there.
  • While doing his business in Rome, Major --------- de Coverley was injured for the first time ever by a rabid fan, who poked him in the eye with a thrown flower.
  • Only when he gets back to Pianosa does he allow his eye to be treated. He orders a clear eye patch to be put over it so he can continue without fear of blindness.
  • Milo is the only man brave enough to talk to de Coverley. He offers him fresh eggs. Major de Coverley replies that Milo makes a good mess officer. Milo replies that he's not the mess officer, sir. Major de Coverley says that Milo makes a good mess officer.
  • So Milo becomes the mess officer.
  • Soon, the mess hall starts receiving a variety of very good food.
  • We are taken back to Ferrera, where Yossarian had to make two passes at a target to get it destroyed. His man Kraft was killed on the second run.
  • Colonel Cathcart blames Yossarian for Kraft's death and is disturbed that Yossarian had to take two runs to complete his mission.
  • But he ends up giving Yossarian a medal to distract attention from what looks like an administrative mistake.