Katniss Everdeen Quotes

"Okay, I figured out what I'm asking," I say. "If it is Peeta and me in the Games, this time we try to keep him alive."

Something flickers across his bloodshot eyes. Pain.

"Like you said, it's going to be bad no matter how you slice it. And whatever Peeta wants, it's his turn to be saved. We both owe him that." My voice takes on a pleading tone. "Besides, the Capitol hates me so much, I'm as good as dead now. He still might have a chance. [...]" (13.27-29)

Katniss hasn't instantly flipped her courage switch on like Peeta did after hearing about the new Games. But just a few hours later she's as ready to sacrifice her life for Peeta's as he's ready to sacrifice his life for hers. We could interpret the last part of what she says in two ways. Is she calculatingly using this "pleading tone" to bring up her inability to survive in order to convince Haymitch why he should work with her to save Peeta? Or is it easier for her to sacrifice herself because she believes she's in so much danger anyway?

"I didn't mean to start any uprisings," I tell him.

"I believe you. It doesn't matter. Your stylist turned out to be prophetic in his wardrobe choice. Katniss Everdeen, the girl who was on fire, you have provided a spark that, left unattended, may grow to an inferno that destroys Panem," he says. (2.30-31)

Snow says it's appearances that matter, not intentions. Katniss "didn't mean" to inspire a rebellion, but she did, and she'll get blamed for it. Snow calls her the "spark" that could explode their world and says that Cinna knew she had it in her.

Really, the combination of the scabs and the ointment looks hideous. I can't help enjoying his distress.

"Poor Finnick. Is this the first time in your life you haven't looked pretty?" I say.

"It must be. The sensation's completely new. How have you managed it all these years?" he asks. (22.33-35)

Outside the arena Finnick is defined by his extreme, almost unearthly beauty. He's a great-looking guy, but he isn't just that. In this moment, when Katniss thinks he "looks hideous," he still has his sense of humor, even though he's also shaken by the fact that he doesn't look his best.