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Cat's Cradle Chapter 65 Summary

A Good Time to Come to San Lorenzo

  • "Papa" welcomes them to his island, "the best friend America ever had" (65.4). Unfortunately, he mistakes Crosby for the ambassador.
  • Crosby corrects him. Before "Papa" can fix his faux pas, he has a coughing fit.
  • He gathers himself and returns to the greetings. He informs Minton that San Lorenzo is everything America could want—i.e. Christian with no Communists.
  • It's also a good time for a visit because tomorrow will be the Day of the Hundred Martyrs to Democracy.
  • Sounds like a bang-up holiday that one.
  • It's Minton's turn to lie. He tells "Papa" that the President has personally asked him to be at the ceremony and to cast a wreath for the fallen soldiers of democracy into the sea.
  • Then there's talk of "The honor is mine," and "No, it's mine." Blah, blah.
  • "Papa" has another coughing fit, this one worse than the last as it doesn't cease. He manages to gather enough strength to usher his people home before collapsing.