Charlotte's Web Fern Arable Quotes

"Please don't kill it!" she sobbed. "It's unfair."

Mr. Arable stopped walking.

"Fern," he said gently, "you will have to learn to control yourself." (1.8-10)

Fern makes a huge fuss when her dad decides to kill a newborn pig. But according to her papa, over time Fern will need to learn some self-control. Do you think Fern learns to control herself as the novel goes on? Or is this something she doesn't grow out of? (And check out that Charlotte says the same thing to Wilbur, later on.)

"We have no time to lose!" shouted Mr. Zuckerman. "Lurvy, help with the crate!"

"Can I have some money?" asked Fern.

"You wait!" said Mrs. Arable. "Can't you see everybody is busy?" (19.58-60)

Fern sure has changed over the course of the novel. At first, she couldn't stand being away from Wilbur. Now, when Wilbur is about to get a special prize, all she cares about is money to spend at the fair. Clearly Mrs. Arable is annoyed by this change. What do you think about Fern's new attitude?