Chime Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Stop now, Briony: That sounds like jealousy, and you know what happens when you get jealous. Your witchy jealousy breeds firestorms, gales, floods—disasters of Biblical magnitude. Wouldn't father be proud! (4.58)

Briony envisions physical damage that can happen due to her magical powers mixing with jealousy. She references the Bible, linking the power of her jealousy to that of a jealous God. Though her fears of disasters of "Biblical magnitude" may be unwarranted, jealousy certainly can cause damage.

Quote #2

When you're jealous, your spit turns to acid. When you're jealous, you eat yourself from the inside out. (4.118)

Okay, Briony is playing a poet here. She discusses the internal damage caused by jealousy, using two metaphors to express the pain, suffering, and emotional destruction that can be caused by this emotion.

Quote #3

Jealousy makes you feel small as a splinter. Jealousy makes you feel empty, makes you want to reach for the Brownie. (5.93)

When Briony says jealousy makes "you feel empty," she is really saying that it makes her feel empty. By mentioning wanting to reach for Brownie in relation to jealousy, she leaves us wondering if she wants Brownie for comfort, to help her do damage through magic, or both.