Chime Themes

Chime Themes

Memories and The Past

Briony has a pretty messed up memory for a young girl. Really, how many kids struggle to remember the events of the past three years? In Chime though, our main girl's memories of the past have been...

Technology and Modernization

Before computers and smart phones, automobiles and electric lights were once the hot new technology. The characters of Chime display both a comfort with the old world and a fascination with the new...


Chime is a story about a preacher's daughter, and if that doesn't spell lust for you, then you clearly haven't seen Preachers' Daughters. Briony claims not to be interested in boys or um, that...

Friendship and Love

Jeremy Taylor once said, "Love is friendship set on fire," and that's definitely the case for Briony in this book. While Briony likes to set things aflame in general, she never expected to be frien...

Guilt and Blame

The narrator of Chime, Briony, bases nearly all her thoughts on guilt and blame. She remembers incidents over and over again to remind herself of her own wickedness and guilt, and she makes sacrifi...


This monster might not be green or even a proper monster at all in Chime, but Briony fears her own jealousy more than anything else. As much as she hates herself for her wicked witch ways, she hate...


Here's the truth: family is complex. We love them, we hate them, we hate those who don't love them. Lucky for us then, Chime explores some of those very real complexities of family. Yes, family can...


Am I good person or a bad person? Will others find out my true identity? And if they do, will they accept or reject me? These are questions that many face at some point in their life, and in Chime,...