The Chocolate War Themes

The Chocolate War Themes


The students at Trinity, a Catholic high school for boys, are supposed to be getting a religious education. Instead, they're mostly being taught how physical and psychological violence can be used...


The Chocolate War looks at how physical, verbal, and psychological violence are blended together to create the seriously unhealthy environment at Trinity high school. Be warned: there is lots of vi...

Language and Communication

Do you ever say one thing, even though you're feeling something entirely different? Have you ever wanted to say something, but couldn't find the words. Have you ever gotten totally caught up in wha...


The Chocolate War looks at how violence, authority, and speech are used to manipulate the students of Trinity into doing things they don't want to do. Blackmail, extortion, psychological games, phy...


In The Chocolate War, the characters in power (Brother Leon, The Vigils) want all of the students at Trinity to conform, be easily led, and not think for themselves. These characters make the atmos...


There is a definite power structure at Trinity high school. Brother Leon and The Vigils use violence and manipulation to control the student body and teachers who might have a problem with their a...


Trinity, the high school in The Chocolate War, is all about lack of choice. Brother Leon and The Vigils spend most of their time forcing the student body to do things they don't want to do. For our...

Morality and Ethics

Morality refers to personal, cultural, and social beliefs about right and wrong. Ethics is the study and practice of these belief systems. Some of the events in The Chocolate War are definitely une...