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Circe's Power Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (line)

Quote #1

I never turned anyone into a pig./ Some people are pigs; I make them/ Look like pigs. (1-3)

Do you buy Circe's defense here? Do you buy that she is innocent of her supposed crime?

Quote #2

I'm sick of your world/ That lets the outside disguise the inside. (4-5)

What exposure would Circe, living on her island, have to Odysseus' world? Do you live in a world that lets the outside disguise the inside?

Quote #3

Your men weren't bad men;/ Undisciplined life/ Did that to them. (5-7)

We are dying to know what an undisciplined life might look like. We also want to know what Odysseus' men do or have done that make them pigs in Circe's mind.