Close Encounters of the Third Kind Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do you suppose the narrative follows three characters' journeys rather than just one? Do you see any advantages to this style of storytelling? What about disadvantages?
  2. How would you describe the pacing of this film? Slow and methodical? Fast with a dash of furious? What role would you say the film's pacing plays given its story and themes?
  3. Do you think the story treats the men's response to the UFO mystery as different than women's?
  4. The advanced technology of the alien spaceships trashes the inside of Roy's truck and Jillian's house. What purpose do you suppose these almost horror-like scenes serve in the film, especially considering what we learn at the end?
  5. Based on what we know about the universe, we're guessing the aliens went a bit out of their way to hang out. Why do you think the extraterrestrials came to Earth in the first place? What do you think they were hoping to find or accomplish by making contact?
  6. Do you feel the film has the same impact today as it did back in 1977, when America was cuckoo for UFOs?
  7. Imagine you had your own close encounter of the third kind. How do you think you'd respond to such an event in your life? Would you seek out the truth like Roy? Experience it with wonder like Lacombe? Hide in your room and never come out?
  8. A later Special Cut of the film included some scenes inside the mother ship after Roy enters. Do you think this would have improved the theatrical cut? Spielberg didn't—why do you think he felt that way?