Code Name Verity Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Date.Paragraph) or (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The man I interviewed that night didn't believe in me. He accused me of treachery. Treason against the Fatherland—what was I doing working for the enemy, the English? He called me a collaborator, a backstabber, a filthy English whore. (1.22.XI.43.146)

Julie recalls that this happened while she was interrogating prisoners as Eva Seiler. It seems like no matter what she's doing or where she's doing it, someone always thinks she's a traitor to her country, even thought she actually never is. Seems like a tough role to play.

Quote #8

Now the whole Damask circuit is on edge, afraid that Julie's capture will betray them.

I mean, that Julie will betray them herself. By giving them away under pressure. The longer the silence the more certain it is that she's been caught. (2.4.2-3)

Maddie's talking now. Everyone's afraid Julie will betray them, but she never does, which we know because we've already read her whole "confession." It's not ever clear that Julie has the information she would need to betray the Damask circuit, anyway.

Quote #9

I think I probably wouldn't have cared if the old woman who lived there had turned me over to the police. ISN'T THAT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU KILL YOUR BEST FRIEND? (2.18.36)

Maddie feels she has betrayed Julie by killing her, so she longs to be betrayed in turn. She seeks some sort of judgment or punishment for the rest of the book, though everyone who finds out what happens thinks she did the right thing.