Code Name Verity Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Code Name Verity? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who asks, "Can I share your umbrella?"

Hauptsturmführer von Linden
Mary Poppins
Q. Who says she is afraid of "Not Getting the Uniform Right—my hair's always too long, you're not allowed to alter the coat so it's always too big, things like that"?

America's Next Top Model
Anna Engel
Q. Who first utters the immortal words, "Fly the plane, Maddie"?

Jamie Beaufort-Stuart
Julie Beaufort-Stuart
Dympna Wythenshawe
Billy Mitchell
Q. What does the German officer say to his French hosts in Le Silence de la Mer?

"These are the best croissants I've ever had"
"Eventually, you will tell me the truth"
"Europe was beautiful before the war"
"I wish you a good night"
Q. "Kiss me, Hardy" are whose famous last words?

Admiral Nelson's
Captain Hook's
William Wallace's
Mary Stuart's