Cold Mountain Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Cold Mountain? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. One reason Cold Mountain represents home to Inman is that…

His parents have written pleading for him to come back and be near them
He knows the best apple pie for miles is made by a baker there
He has a farm there he longs to get back to
Ada is there
Q. Which of these is something music probably doesn't represent in Cold Mountain?

The importance of performance being done by professionals, especially boy bands with perfectly sculpted hair
A longing for another world, also reflected in the novel's spirituality
A desire for connection to other human beings
A kind of unexpected redemption
Q. Which of these does nature imagery not sometimes represent in the novel?

The importance of being in tune with the Na'vi, who love the land
The relationship of the characters to a particular place
The mood of the characters at a particular moment
A longing for a fuller life
Q. Inman tells Ada a story originally told by a Native American woman. The story returns later in the book and is central to it. What is it about?

The beauty of nature
How to be a superhero
Making the most of what you have here and now
Escaping to a better world
Q. Stobrod finds an unlikely sense of purpose through what instrument?

The awesome Fender Telecaster guitar
A fiddle
A drum
A banjo