Common Sense Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Of the many arguments that Thomas Paine gives for America to separate from the British, which is the most convincing to you? Try to be as specific as possible.
  2. Who are some of the "enemies from within" that Thomas Paine singles out for criticism in this text? Is his criticism justified?
  3. Are there any places in this book where you think Thomas Paine is being unfair? Why or why not?
  4. What are some of the main reasons why some Americans want to reconcile with the British instead of fighting? How does Paine refute them?
  5. What was going on with the American Revolution when this pamphlet was published in 1776? How do you think it affected what Paine wrote?
  6. What are the chief values or concepts that Paine wants to defend by overthrowing British rule in America?
  7. Which group does Paine criticize in the Appendix to his pamphlet and what advice does he give them moving forward? It he fair to this group?
  8. Why is Thomas Paine so certain that the thirteen U.S. colonies will unite once they've thrown Britain out of their land? Use specific evidence to support your view.