How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I did not understand your letter of this morning; I told you so because it was the truth. (9.1.40)
Although both Rousseau and Mme d'Houdetot are being deceptive with their spouses, they try to remain truthful with each other.
Quote #8
The secret accusations of treachery and ingratitude were spread more cautiously, and were for that reason even more effective. (10.1.5)
Rousseau knows exactly how to play the game of wrecking people's reputations, which makes it even more excruciating when he's the one being played.
Quote #9
And you, too, Diderot! I exclaimed. Unworthy friend. (10.1.12)
This has shades of Caesar and Brutus: "Et tu, Brute!"