Coraline Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We'll see you soon, though," said her other father. "When you come back."

"Um," said Coraline.

"And then we'll all be together as one big, happy family," said her other mother. "For ever and always." (4.124-126)

The other mother's cheerfulness is actually very disturbing and creepy. Would it have been creepy if Coraline's real family talked to her this way? Why or why not?

Quote #5

But reflected in the mirror were her parents. They stood awkwardly in the reflection of the hall. They seemed sad and alone. As Coraline watched, they waved to her, slowly, with limp hands. (5.35)

The imagery here emphasizes how sad and almost pathetic Coraline's trapped parents are. We certainly feel sympathy for them, although we're torn because of how they treated Coraline earlier in the story.

Quote #6

"You don't frighten me," said Coraline, although they did frighten her, very much. "I want my parents back." (5.102)

This is a pretty neat line. Coraline makes a proclamation and then, immediately, the narrator reveals to the reader that it's a complete lie. Either way, Coraline's determination to rescue her family gives her enough courage to stand her ground against the other mother.