Support Your Apostle
- Paul is kind of a big deal. He's an apostle. He's seen the Risen Christ. Even the fact that the church in Corinth exists is proof that God is working through him. Boo-ya.
- He explains that, as an apostle, he is entitled to monetary support from his fellow Christians. Must be in the fine print of his contract.
- He should get free food and beverages (no more BYOB for Paul!). He should have a faithful wife traveling by his side (a really cute one!). He shouldn't have to work little side jobs (tent-making can be a real drag). Really, the Corinthians should be fully supporting him.
Eyes on the Prize
- But Paul doesn't roll this way.
- Even though these are his rights, even though this is what God demands, Paul never took advantage of these perks.
- And don't worry, he's not going to start doing it now. He's just trying to make a point. So put away your wallets, okay?
- All Paul is saying is that he chose this life freely. He gets to spread the gospel around free of charge to everyone.
- Paul might be free, but he's made himself into a slave (sans chains) in order to win more converts to Christ.
- Wherever he goes, he becomes like the people he's with so that he can help convince them that Jesus is Lord. We believe this is called empathy.
- And you've got to stay strong throughout. Christians are like world-class athletes. They have to train and be super discipled in order to win the prize at the end. The prize in this case is a little nicer than a trophy.
- This is how Paul lives his life. Just a hint, Corinthians.