Crash Resources
Book or TV Adaptations
The Crash TV series starred Dennis Hopper, but the show itself crashed after two seasons, when Hopper died in 2010.
Articles and Interviews
Ebert describes Crash as a movie in which characters collide "like pinballs," making us wish there was a Crash pinball machine with permanent multiball.
During her interview with the Crash cast, Oprah reminds us that Thandie Newton co-starred with her in Beloved and that Sandra Bullock was once married to "motorcycle guru"—which must be code for "scumbag"—Jesse James
Haggis says that what he really wanted to bust wasn't overt racists, but politically correct liberals who hide their racism.
This video proves that Paul Haggis isn't a walking, talking Scottish dish made of sheep organs.
Ryan Phillippe looks bored.
David Edelstein's review: "The theme is racism. The theme is racism."
Critic Elvis Mitchell sees Crash as an attempt expand the race question beyond just Black and white.
Even without a clip from "What's Your Fantasy," the NPR interview with Ludacris is still worth listening to.
It's worth listening to this just to hear Brendan Fraser asked why he's in Crash and not a sequel to George of the Jungle.
Why is the shot of Ryan and Christine chosen to represent the whole movie?